
Module Contents


match_raster_to_vector(hazard, landuse, lu_crs, ...)

Matches the resolution and extent of a raster to a vector file.


Function to remove overlap in polygons in from OpenStreetMap.

extract_value_other_gdf(x, gdf, col_name)

Function to extract value from column from other GeoDataFrame

reproject(df_ds[, current_crs, approximate_crs])

Function to reproject a GeoDataFrame to a different CRS.

get_damage_per_object(obj, df_ds, objects, curves, maxdam)


damagescanner.vector.match_raster_to_vector(hazard, landuse, lu_crs, haz_crs, resolution, hazard_col)[source]

Matches the resolution and extent of a raster to a vector file.


hazard : netCDF4 with hazard intensity per grid cell. landuse : netCDF4 with land-use information per grid cell. lu_crs : EPSG code of the land-use file. haz_crs : EPSG code of the hazard file. resolution : Desired resolution of the raster file. hazard_col : Name of the column in the hazard file that contains the hazard intensity.


hazard : DataSet with hazard intensity per grid cell.

landuse : DataSet with land-use information per grid cell.


Function to remove overlap in polygons in from OpenStreetMap.


gdf : a geopandas GeoDataFrame with all unique railway linestrings.


GeoDataFrame : a geopandas GeoDataFrame with (almost) non-overlapping polygons.

damagescanner.vector.extract_value_other_gdf(x, gdf, col_name)[source]

Function to extract value from column from other GeoDataFrame


x : row of main GeoDataFrame.

gdf : geopandas GeoDataFrame from which we want to extract values.

col_name : the column name from which we want to get the value.

damagescanner.vector.reproject(df_ds, current_crs='epsg:4326', approximate_crs='epsg:3035')[source]

Function to reproject a GeoDataFrame to a different CRS.


df_ds (pandas DataFrame): _description_ current_crs (str, optional): _description_. Defaults to “epsg:4326”. approximate_crs (str, optional): _description_. Defaults to “epsg:3035”.


_type_: _description_

damagescanner.vector.get_damage_per_object(obj, df_ds, objects, curves, maxdam)[source]

” Function to calculate the damage per object.


obj (tuple): The object for which we want to calculate the damage. df_ds (pandas DataFrame): The dataframe with the hazard points. objects (pandas DataFrame): The dataframe with the objects. curves (pandas DataFrame): The dataframe with the vulnerability curves. maxdam (dictionary): The dictionary with the maximum damage per object type.


tuple: The damage per object.