
DamageScanner - a directe damage assessment toolkit

Sensitivity analysis using the damagescanner

Module Contents


run(landuse_map, inun_map, curve_path, maxdam_path[, save])

Perform sensitivity analysis of the results. Currently only works with the RasterScanner.

damagescanner.sensitivity_analysis.run(landuse_map, inun_map, curve_path, maxdam_path, save=False, **kwargs)[source]

Perform sensitivity analysis of the results. Currently only works with the RasterScanner.


landuse_map : Shapefile, Pandas DataFrame or Geopandas GeoDataFrame with land-use information of the area.

inun_map : GeoTiff with inundation depth per grid cell. Make sure that the unit of the inundation map corresponds with the unit of the first column of the curves file.

curve_path : File with the stage-damage curves of the different land-use classes. Can also be a pandas DataFrame (but not a numpy Array).

maxdam_path : File with the maximum damages per land-use class (in euro/m2). Can also be a pandas DataFrame (but not a numpy Array).


Figure : Functions returns a figure with the spread in losses and a spyder plot with the influence of each parameter.